• Other,  Travel

    European Escapade Day 0 – London

         So life is taking a pretty exciting turn over the next few weeks! I’m off on what will hopefully be a pretty epic trip through Europe. My aim is to daily blog it, with each new post probably…

  • Life,  Other

    Village Craft Fair

         Since leaving high school I’ve lived in cities for most of the time, which I love for many reasons, the primary one being that there is far more to do. However, I grew up in the countryside and…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Replacement Haul

         Now, after my last haul post I thought it would be a long time before I did another. A student budget means I can’t go out and buy masses of clothes every time I go shopping. However, unforeseen…

  • Music,  Other

    Natives At The Electric Circus

         I don’t think I’ve ever named a post so literally, yet still have it sound so quirky and wonderful. Anyway, Natives are a band I went to see in concert at The Electric Circus in Edinburgh the other…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Wedding Wear

         First up, I know the photos aren’t great, but it was a hectic day so I’ve just had to go with what I’ve got. Anyway, my cousin got married at the weekend and this was what I wore.…

  • Art & Entertainment,  Other

    Review – The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    (Source)      It’s no secret that superhero films have seen a huge resurgence over the past few years, in particular those featuring Marvel characters. Yet Spider-Man seems to be a particularly iconic character – after all, the series was…

  • Musings & Thoughts,  Other

    Musings From A Train Platform

    Source      The stream slowly eases its way through the landscape, taking a lazy saunter, propelled along by cool breaths of wind. Patches of pale green algae drift along on its surface, in no hurry to be on their…

  • Books

    Review – The Maze Runner (James Dashner)

    Source       This book pleasantly surprised me – I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with books generally classified as YA, but fortunately this one landed on the love side of the group. The Maze Runner follows Thomas, a teenager…

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