Art & Entertainment
Room Tour – Hong Kong Flat
This is actually more of a flat tour than a room tour, seeing as my room is the size of a box. (I’ve also done previous room tours in France and Edinburgh). I knew flats in Hong Kong…
Edinburgh Fringe – Christina Bianco
I’m a big fan of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival most of the time. I think it’s pretty amazing that for a while month every year, my city becomes populated by thousands of weird and wonderful performers – although…
Review – Ant-Man
Yet another superhero movie. The Marvel universe has been expanding for years, and now other film companies are jumping in on this success and launching more superhero films of their own. I love a good superhero movie, but I’m…
Top Five TV Shows of 2014-15
I’ll confess something to you: I’m a TV addict. It’s getting kind of ridiculous how many shows I try to keep up with really. I’m well aware of the dangers of too much TV, but when I’m stressed…
Review – Avengers: Age of Ultron
Anyone that knows me, knows that I’m a big fan of all things superhero. I’ve never been a comic person, but I love so many of the new films and TV shows that have been released in the last…
Review – The Last Five Years
(Source) I’ll be upfront and admit that I have a love/hate relationship with musicals. Sometimes I find them inspiring and touching, and I usually find they work best in either a fantasy or historical setting; think Disney classics,…
Films I’m Looking Forward To In 2015
I recently wrote a post about the music I’m excited about this year, including new releases and artists I’ve only just discovered. This time around, we’re looking at films. I can be a pretty big geek about some…
Review – Into the Woods
(Source) Mix together several classic fairytales and throw in a lot of singing, and you’ve basically got Into the Woods. I imagine there’ll be many people who don’t enjoy this film because of these two factors, but they were…
Wicked at the Edinburgh Playhouse
We’re backtracking a week or so for today’s post; between Christmas and New Year some family members and I went up to Edinburgh for the day to see Wicked on its current run at the Playhouse. My sister…
Christmas Candles
Oh dear, I’ve got a post with the word “Christmas” in the title and it’s still only November! To be fair, candles are not solely a Christmas thing for me. I was never particularly interested in them for…