• Travel

    Top 5 European Cities

         Most of my travel posts in the last few years have focussed on Asia, since I was living and working there, so I thought today we’d turn back to Europe, since that’s where I now find myself again…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Be Our Guest

         A few weeks ago I suddenly had the idea to start doing Disneybound outfits, to mix things up a bit on the blog, so I thought since it was so close to the new year anyway, that I’d…

  • Travel

    Travel Inspiration | Vietnam

         We’re travelling back to warmer climates for today’s travel inspiration post, as I’m currently freezing back home in Scotland now! As many readers know, I’ve travelled plenty around Asia, so I’m revisiting Vietnam today. I spent 2 weeks…

  • Life

    2017: Year in Review

         Another year over, and here we are in 2018! I was aiming to get this posted on New Year’s Eve, as I’ve done in previous years, but things got a little busy for me this weekend, as I…

  • Life

    Merry Christmas

         Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, whatever you prefer or celebrate! I hope it has been filled with love, happiness, and family, in whatever form that takes for you. The actual day may be over, but…

  • Life

    Life Update | 2017

         Ok, let’s start off with a very, very brief recap of the last couple years. Graduated university in 2015, moved to Hong Kong for a year, moved to South Korea, didn’t enjoy it and moved back to Hong Kong, travelled for 2 months, moved back…

  • Travel

    A Guide to Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

         Just because I’m living in my home country again, doesn’t mean I can’t still write travel posts! Plenty of people can, and do, come to Scotland as tourists, and as a native of the country, I’m probably even better equipped…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Bundled Up

         It’s damn cold in Scotland. I keep saying I’m still acclimatising after living abroad, but it was below freezing point the other morning, so I’m not just imagining it! It can be quite easy for me to revert…

  • Life,  Musings & Thoughts

    Get to Know Me Tag

          Life has suddenly gotten really busy this week and next – more on that soon! I’m also off to Aberdeen (Scotland this time, not Hong Kong), for the weekend so I’m scheduling a few posts for while…

  • Travel

    Loch Ness Day Trip

         One thing I’ve realised while I’ve been travelling over the last few years, is how little of my own country I’ve seen! Scotland may not be huge in size, but there are a lot of amazing sights to…