• Travel

    Travel Inspiration – Provence, France

         Having spent a year living in France, I managed to get around quite a few areas of the country, so I’m trying to figure out the best way to group posts about it – some places may end…

  • Other,  Travel

    Travel Inspiration – Austria

         Today’s post is to inspire you to travel to Austria. It’s probably not the most famous country in Europe, but it’s certainly got plenty of things going for it, as you’ll hopefully see! I went for the first…

  • Life,  Other

    On Turning Twenty One

         So, today is my 21st birthday. In most places, this is considered a pretty significant birthday. Obviously in America, it’s the legal drinking age, but on this side of the pond, we’ve been doing that for three years…

  • Other,  Travel

    Travel Inspiration: Barcelona

         Today’s travel inspiration is taking us to quirky, eclectic Barcelona. I spent two nights here as part of my European Escapade trip. It wasn’t a whole load of time to see everything properly, but I got a whirlwind…

  • Travel

    Travel Inspiration: Paris

         This is the first in a new series I’ve decided to start. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to quite a few places now – and hopefully will go to many more in the future! The purpose of…

  • Life,  Other

    2015: Looking Forward

         Ok, so I may be a couple days late, but it’s time to think about what I want from this year. A lot of people complain about celebrating New Year, as it’s just another day really, and you…

  • Life,  Other

    2014: Year in Review

         Well, here we are. The last day of 2014. It sounds like a bit of a cliché, but time really has flown. I think the older you get, the faster it goes, and I can’t believe that’s another…