• Travel

    Live-blogging | 36 Hour Journey Home

         I must be utterly mad to be attempting this. The backstory to this is that I’m going home for Christmas, and haven’t been home since this time last year. Journeying from Korea to Scotland doesn’t need to take…

  • Travel

    A-Z of Hong Kong

         I spent a year living and working in Hong Kong, immediately after graduating university, and while I was terrified at first, and really didn’t think I liked the city much during the first few months, it wound up…

  • Travel

    Exploring Markets & Memorials | Seoul

         Last weekend I hopped on the train and zoomed up north to Seoul again (read about my last trip there in this post). The reason that brought about this trip was a friend of my parents was over…

  • Travel

    Busan Fireworks Festival

         I heard a lot about the Fireworks Festival in Busan during the weeks leading up to it, as its one of the largest fireworks displays in Asia. It takes place every October, and this was its 12th year.…

  • Travel

    Suwon | Chuseok

         My last destination of my Chuseok trip (read parts 1 and 2 here!), was an hour on the subway south of Seoul, to the town of Suwon. Suwon is the largest city in Gyeonggi-do, the province surrounding Seoul,…

  • Life,  Musings & Thoughts

    Scottish Tag

         So seeing as I’m settling into yet another brand new country, I’m naturally feeling quite homesick, especially since I haven’t been home since Christmas (8 months now, the longest I’ve ever been away). So today I’d like to…

  • Life,  Travel

    Expat Tag

    Time for another tag post guys! I took the questions for this one from a couple of YouTube videos, so it’s a bit of a mish-mash of other tags. But all of this pertains to my life as an expat,…

  • Travel

    A-Z of Edinburgh

         While I’m originally from the Scottish Borders, and it was a nice place to grow up, Edinburgh quickly became my second home when I went there for university. I may have left it to jet off halfway around…