Moving to South Korea
What. Is. My. Life. Seriously. Just over a year ago I published this post, entitled “I’m Moving to Hong Kong” which was the first terrifying steps towards a year that, in the end, turned out to be pretty…
Farewell Hong Kong | Final Thoughts
Well here we are. My year in Hong Kong is at an end. If we’re being technical, I will be back for a few nights in August, between travels, but this is my last day in this apartment,…
Life as a Kindergarten English Teacher in Hong Kong
Can you believe it’s been 11 months already? Today was one of my last days at work (I still have to do a couple duty days next week, but the kids are finished now) and this year feels…
Musically Inspired – Purpose
What is our purpose? What are we all supposed to be doing with our lives? How do we figure this out? Do we even have a purpose or do we merely exist for the blink of an eye…
Expat Tag
Time for another tag post guys! I took the questions for this one from a couple of YouTube videos, so it’s a bit of a mish-mash of other tags. But all of this pertains to my life as an expat,…
Junk Boat Party | Hong Kong
Oh, the sweet, sweet freedom of having a Saturday off… I know my job isn’t the hardest in the world, and there are plenty of other people who work far more hours than I do. But working 46…
Decisions, Decisions
Ok so I’m stressed out and confused, and the best way I know to deal with this is to vent, so be prepared for this to be a bit of a confused, rambling post. So what…
Musically Inspired – Finding Our Balance
Darkness and light. Power and weakness. Pleasure and pain. Peace and chaos. Good and evil. All of them exist in all of us. No one is entirely one thing or another. We are not angels of purity, nor…
Hong Kong: 8 Month Update
Eight months. Just read that again and take it in. I know I need to. I can’t believe it’s been eight months already. That time has just flown by! The last few months even more so, since we…
Feeling 22
So we’re all familiar with that Taylor Swift song, and I’ve heard that joke many times over the last few days, since Friday was my 22nd birthday. But how does 22 actually feel? Well, not that different to…