• Musings on autumn featured photo
    Life,  Musings & Thoughts

    Musings on Autumn

    The nights creep in a little faster, the wind is blowing a little harder, and a chill starts to sweep through the air.   The leaves are donning their finest colours, splashes of amber and crimson dancing overhead, their final…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings after Lockdown

    And the world awakens. Reawakens. Cautious glances, hesitant footsteps, tentatively venturing beyond the front garden. Shy waves at long unseen faces, scarcely believing the option to do so is even real. Reemerging from shuttered windows, eyes blinking in the bright…

  • Musings & Thoughts,  Travel

    Musings from a Tourist Town

         The cobbled streets weave in and out of each other, a never-ending maze where every corner looks the same yet entirely different. The buildings stand tall on either side, towering precariously high overhead, their rough stonework marked with…

  • Art & Entertainment,  Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from the Fringe

         The streets are rammed. Bodies jostling past each other, bumping elbows and shoulders and legs, slowly shuffling their way down the pavements. They squeeze past the stages and roped off corners, where the performers clamour for their attention,…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from a Mountaintop

         Here, the world is different. Different to the world below, a world of buildings and traffic and technology. A world of noise and pollution, violence and chaos. Here, the world is quiet. The world is ancient and unchanged.…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from the Beach Front

         The air positively thrums with noise. Every sound coming from every direction. The faint summery music filtering through distant speakers. The soft slapping of a million pairs of flip flops on the paved pathway. The whirring and grinding…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from the Pier

         The ocean stretches out to meet the sky, an infinite wash of blue, interrupted only by the dark vessels drifting along the horizon line. The sky is dirty grey, dreary and still, uninspiring, save for the tinges of…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from a Skyscraper

         Is there anything out there beyond the mass of towers stretching into the heavens? Buildings pop up from the ground in all directions, floor upon floor precariously stacked on each other. Dozens of identical windows line each one,…

  • Musings & Thoughts

    Musings from Bristo Square

        The sun beats down hard, as if it were trying to burn through the ground. It’s hot, unusually hot for the city at any time of year, and the population is out in force, soaking up the rays…

  • Musings & Thoughts,  Other

    Musings on a Rainy Afternoon

         Rain. More rain. Always rain. Streaming down the windows, trickling in the gutters, running in rivers along the street. It’s as if the sky has had it heart broken for the first time, and the tears can’t stop…