• Travel

    A-Z of Scotland

         I’ve previously written an A-Z post about Edinburgh, as well as a few other places I’ve lived, but I thought I’d widen my reach and write one about my home country of Scotland as a whole. Edinburgh has…

  • Travel

    Top 5 Asian Cities

         So the other week I wrote this post about my five favourite cities in Europe, and the reasons I enjoyed my visits there so much. This time, I thought I’d turn to the other part of the world…

  • Life

    2017: Year in Review

         Another year over, and here we are in 2018! I was aiming to get this posted on New Year’s Eve, as I’ve done in previous years, but things got a little busy for me this weekend, as I…

  • Travel

    Travel Inspiration – Hong Kong

    After two years living in Hong Kong (wait, have I mentioned that before?), I’ve accumulated quite a lot of photos from my time there, as you can probably imagine. Narrowing them down for this post was no easy task –…

  • Travel

    5 Day Hong Kong Highlights

         As we all know, I’ve written dozens and dozens of posts about sights to see and things to do in Hong Kong. Living there for close to two years meant I had plenty of time to explore places…

  • Travel

    Kansai Day Trips | Japan Part 2

         Kyoto has a wealth of temples, shrines, museums, and more, to be explored. After two full days in the city though, and reaching my tolerance level for temples, I was ready to venture further afield once more. Kansai…

  • Travel

    Taipei City | Taiwan Part 1

         So, anyone who read my last post carefully, or who follows me on other social media, will know that since I’ve now finished my job in Hong Kong, I will be travelling through several Asian countries for the…

  • Life,  Travel

    Farewell Hong Kong (Again)

    Around this time last year, I wrote this post, saying goodbye to Hong Kong as I prepared to leave and move on to South Korea. Little did I know then, that Korea was not the right place for me at…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – On The Move

         This is a very active variation on this dress; it’s pretty short, even for me, so it can be a bit restrictive in terms of movement when worn alone. However, leggings make it so much more versatile, and…

  • Health & Wellness

    30 Days of Yoga

         So, I’m not exactly known for being an active, sporty person. Honestly, I hated sports all through school (wth the exception of swimming, since we holidayed abroad, though I was never interested in doing it competitively) and stopped…