• Travel

    Stonehaven Day Trip | Scotland

         The other day I wrote the first post about my trip to Dundee a couple of weeks ago, involving a stop in St Andrews on the first day. I was visiting my cousin, who will tell you firsthand…

  • Travel

    St Andrews Day Trip | Scotland

         Firstly, I’m very annoyed at myself for the blogging absence over the last week or so. I’ve just started a new job (yes, again!), still as a tour guide, but working a lot more, so I’ve just been…

  • Life,  Travel

    Royal Highland Show | Scotland

         It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the Highland Show – mainly because I’ve been travelling, or living outside the country! – but I finally went again last week. For anyone unfamiliar with what the Highland…

  • Travel

    A-Z of Scotland

         I’ve previously written an A-Z post about Edinburgh, as well as a few other places I’ve lived, but I thought I’d widen my reach and write one about my home country of Scotland as a whole. Edinburgh has…

  • Travel

    A Weekend in Aberdeen | Scotland

         I meant to write this post so much sooner than now, but Ive been super busy over the last week or so, and blogging has slipped a little bit. More on what’s keeping me busy will be coming…

  • Life,  Other

    What’s Next For Scotland?

         On Thursday 18th September 2014 the people of Scotland were asked to voice our opinions on whether or not our nation should become an independent country. Regardless of the outcome, this day will be marked in history. A…

  • Long Weekend in Taupō - feature photo - Māori rock carvings on the shores of Lake Taupō, New Zealand

    Long Weekend in Taupō

    Easter Weekend rolled around early this year, just a few weeks after my birthday trip to Tauranga. I wasn’t expecting to be planning and taking so many trips not long after arriving in New Zealand! But I wanted to take…

  • Moving to New Zealand - feature photo - view of Wellington from the summit of Mount Victoria
    Life,  Travel

    I’m Moving to New Zealand

    New year, new country! Is anyone surprised at this point? Yes, after finishing up my working holiday in Canada, as well as previously living in Hong Kong and South Korea, I’m trying out living somewhere else again. This time I’m…

  • A Year in Canada - feature photo - Maligne Lake & Spirit Island in Jasper National Park
    Life,  Travel

    A Year in Canada

    Well, technically 16 months in Canada. Except about 3.5 of them were spent in the USA. Anyways, back in mid-October 2022 I moved to Canada on an IEC working holiday visa. At the end of January 2024, I departed again…