
  • Music

    Music I’m Looking Forward to in 2017

          2016 produced a few albums I really enjoyed, but I realised that 2017 is going to involve several more that I’m eager to get my hands on. It’s just coincidence that they’re all being released close together…

  • Music

    Review – Set It Off: Upside Down

         Set It Off’s third studio album, Upside Down, is certainly that – upside down. It’s a record with so many musical styles infused throughout out. Although the band are typically classified somewhere within the broad rock genre, I…

  • Music

    Review – Young Guns: Echoes

         It’s been less than 18 months since Young Guns’s last release, ‘Ones and Zeros‘, but they’re back again already, with their fourth studio album, ‘Echoes’. The band have been around the British modern rock scene for a good…

  • Music

    Review – Twin Atlantic: GLA

         If Twin Atlantic’s last release, 2014’s ‘Great Divide‘ was a progression into mainstream alternative rock, which earned them wider recognition and plenty of airplay time, then this, their fourth album, has taken quite the u-turn. ‘GLA’ is a…

  • Music

    Review – Catfish and the Bottlemen: The Ride

          Catfish and the Bottlemen launched into our lives two years ago with their debut album, The Balcony, which seemed to breathe life back into the British indie-rock scene, with everyman lyrics and prevalent use of guitars, especially…

  • Music

    Review – Against The Current: In Our Bones

         It’s a little bit of everything, yet somehow it all works together. Against The Current’s debut record has been highly anticipated by their fans, most of whom will know them from their YouTube channel (containing many covers, as…

  • Music

    Lyrics Tag

         Today’s is a quick post, as I have a tendency to leave things until the last minute, and don’t have time for anything more in-depth today – sorry! This blog is important to me, and I don’t want…

  • Music

    Music Tag

         I’ve done a couple of these tag posts now, and while it’s pretty easy to find lists of questions online, I don’t want every post to be general questions about me. There might be a few more of…