• Art & Entertainment,  Life

    Room Tour | Hong Kong Studio

         So moving back to Hong Kong of course means I’m living in a different apartment again. Last year I stayed in one provided by the company I worked for, and while I’m still working for the same company,…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Sparkle

         So when I choose my new apartment in Hong Kong (I’ll do a tour post some time soon), I was aware that it was small. What I didn’t think through was the small space and lack of natural…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Triangular Touches

          Yay for new clothes! Outfit posts have been a bit trickier lately, due to moving and staying at my friend’s and such; I’m not sure what I’m going to do when I move to my new apartment…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Zig Zag

         I do like getting new clothes! I got a few new things at Christmas, mostly things I chose online and my parents bought, but there were a few surprises too. And it was all from websites and shops…

  • Health & Wellness,  Life

    Good News Stories of 2016

          In a recent post, I mentioned some good news stories that come out of an otherwise terrible 2016. Our world is facing so many problems that we need to tackle. We must give help to those who…

  • Life

    2017: Looking Forward

         Happy New Year! New Year, new me… No, I doubt that. But, as I’ve done previously, the New Year can be a good time to look at where you are in life, and think about what you’d like…

  • Life

    2016: Year in Review

         Well, here we are again! New Year’s Eve, 2016. I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a tumultuous year for the world, and we’re all going to have to do our part to improve things…

  • Life,  Travel

    South Korea | 4 Month Update

          I’m home again! It’s been a whole year since I was in Scotland, for last Christmas, and I still find it crazy that I was away for so long. My time here is brief though, as I’m…