• Travel

    Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum | Glasgow

         So, back when I was in university, I would spend my summers working for a language school, taking teenagers on trips around parts of Scotland. Often, I got to see places I had never been myself before either.…

  • Travel

    Chintsa, Wild Coast | South Africa

         For the third destination of my African trip, we left Lesotho again to return to South Africa, headed for the coast. Specifically, the Wild Coast, a stretch of unspoiled, remote land in the Eastern Cape, between Port Edward…

  • Travel

    Drakensberg | South Africa

         Apologies for the long blogging absence readers, it’s been a busy few weeks! I just returned from a trip to South Africa, on which I was mostly camping, didn’t take my laptop, and had limited internet connection. As…

  • Travel

    Travel Inspiration | Edinburgh

         As the city I’ve called home for the longest, Edinburgh is a special place to me. I think it’s a beautiful, fascinating city, with so much to explore – honestly, this post could have been twice as long…

  • Life

    A Day in the Life | Freelance Tour Guide

         I realised recently that I’ve mentioned the fact that I’m working as a tour guide in a few posts, but I’ve never really written about it properly or anything. It’s been a long time since I did my…

  • Life

    2019 | Looking Forward

         Happy New Year, and hello 2019! I hope everyone had a good time, however you chose to celebrate New Year. I’ve mentioned in previous years, that saying about how you spend your New Year can define how you…

  • Life

    2018 | Year in Review

         Well it’s the last day of 2018, so time to look back on the year! I quite like doing these annual reviews, just to pause and take stock of what’s been going on in my life, and see…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Into the Open Air

          For my final Disneybound outfit, I’ve chosen a fancy, festive look, in line with my other winter December outfits. This is my second time inspired by Merida from ‘Brave’, but this teal dress was too perfect for…

  • Art & Entertainment,  Fashion,  Music,  Travel

    2018: Best Of

         Well, 2018 is nearly over, so it’s time for my annual review type posts! I’ll be looking back at all the things I’ve done this year next week, after Christmas. For now though, I’m picking my ‘bests’ from…

  • Life,  Musings & Thoughts

    Instagram Tag

         I haven’t done a tag post in so long! I’ve been pretty busy this week in the run up to Christmas though, so this was a nice, quick option for a post. Instagram is probably my most used…