• Travel

    Things to Do in Edinburgh on a Rainy Day

    Scotland is not known for its sunny weather, nor is it very easy to predict our weather, since forecasts change so quickly all the time. Edinburgh is a fantastic city to explore in the sunshine, but there’s also no shortage…

  • Travel

    Edinburgh Doors Open Days 2019

         So last year I wrote two posts about the places I visited on Doors Open Days. This happens once a year (all over Scotland, not just Edinburgh), where they open up buildings and locations that the public can’t…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Last Days of Summer

         Scotland in September means summer is well and truly over. However, this is one last summer outfit I wanted to share before transitioning into autumn wear. I actually wore this a year ago to the Meadows festival –…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Rematch

         Mixing up a few of my favourite items in my wardrobe at the moment, especially for this time of year! I’ve featured the crop top on here before, but never before with jeans, and I like the contrast…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Breath of Fresh Air

         It’s been months since I wore this top! Crop tops are definitely only ok for summer in Scotland, way too cold the rest of the year! I wore this outfit a few times last summer, but it didn’t…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – Picnic Weather

         Is it summer yet? That’s always a highly debatable question in Scotland, because as soon as you think it’s here, it disappears again. Anyway, I’m ready for more summer clothing, starting with this bright, happy dress I got…

  • Travel

    A-Z of Europe

         It feels like it’s been a while since I did any sort of A-Z post, so I’m back at it this week! I did one of these for East & South East Asia, after living there for 2…

  • Health & Wellness,  Travel

    Braid Hills | Hiking Edinburgh

         Spring started to appear in Edinburgh last week, all blue skies and sunshine, and temperatures in the double digits – though it was swiftly replaced by grey clouds, pouring rain, and freezing cold again this week, with what…