Musings on Autumn
The nights creep in a little faster,
the wind is blowing a little harder,
and a chill starts to sweep through the air.
The leaves are donning their finest colours,
splashes of amber and crimson dancing overhead,
their final hurrah before their end comes.
Golden fields, bushels of apples, swollen pumpkins,
all rosy and plump and ripe for picking.
The haze of the summer heat
giving way to cooler climes,
though the sun continues to shine,
bathing the world in its warm coloured glow.
Autumn paints it the world in yellows and reds and browns,
sweeping her golden cloak over the land,
as Summer lays his head to rest for another year.
Change is in the air,
as the leaves crunch underfoot.
A quiet moment of stillness
in a season of transitions,
as Time moves ever on and on.
The year rolls by as the Earth continues to spin,
as Nature bides farewell to her Summer prince.
There is beauty in the stillness,
and beauty too in change,
and a strength and a comfort to be found
in seeing the beauty as we age.
We grow, we learn, we move,
we feel, we think, we live,
and we change.
The only constant.
The only inevitability.
The wishes of Mankind
mean nothing to Time and the Seasons.
They will roll ever on
and we can but watch
As the soft Autumn breeze rushes by,
sending that first golden leaf
crashing to the ground.
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