Three Stateside Events to Visit in 2017
Today’s post is little different to my usual fare, so I’m starting with a little introduction and disclaimer. This is a guest post submitted to me as part of a collaboration – so thanks to the guest author (bio below) for getting in touch! An extract from myself will be featured in an article elsewhere, in exchange for this post, which contains an advert (disclaimer: I received no other payment) for a company I’ve used myself in the past, and am happy to recommend. The events featured in this post were all chosen by the guest author, and I haven’t been to any of them myself, though they do sound fun! So, without further ado, here we go…
2017 has been a year of record-setting events in many respects, and it’s not over yet. There are definitely events worth visiting before the ball drops on 2017 in Times Square. Following, are three events worth attending before the year is done.
1. Halloween of the Highball Variety
There are some of the year’s best holidays still ahead, the first being Halloween. You may not think of Ohio as a destination, but annually in Columbus, Highball Halloween encompasses a crazy weekend of live art, street parties, exceptional performances on stage, costume contests, and at the centre of the event, Battelle Costume Couture Fashion Show.
But if you really want to get some big city glitz in your Halloween celebrations, you may want to check out New York’s Halloween parade in The Village. A world famous location, full of passionate artisans and big city variety, you’re sure to have a time here you’ll never forget.
Los Angeles, likewise, has events throughout its many districts. On Hollywood Boulevard, Halloween is an all-out festival. You’ll find the same phenomenon throughout Hollywood, especially on Sunset. There are many options for Halloween revelry in 2017; do a few searches and see what grabs your interest.
2. Ocean City Lights
One place people often overlook when it comes to holiday travel is Ocean City, Maryland. If you head there the week before Thanksgiving, on November 18th, you can enjoy the famous Light Up Downtown Festival, as well as dozens of other fine attractions. Heading up early will be a good way to beat the holiday traffic too – here’s some other helpful tips.
Ocean City is a place of fun and adventure for the whole family. One of the USA’s oldest amusement parks is in the city and, as advertised in the name, it’s right on the coast. In fact, Ocean City follows a peninsula and includes a pier over a mile long, full of shops, entertainment, and surprises.
3. Beat the Cold and Rodeo
In Las Vegas, Nevada, the year’s final professional rodeo championship takes place, over the course of the first 10 days in December. The best cowgirls and cowboys across the country come together, competing for prizes, titles, money, and glory. A variety of events take place, and you get to spend some time in Las Vegas at a time of year when it’s not too hot to think.
Rodeos incorporate a nomadic class of competing travellers with high skill, a love for the craft, and genial personalities, that love good company and good beverages. There’s a kind of cowboy wildness in abundance, but those cowboys have a purity to them that’s hard to find elsewhere. Check out American Nomads, a BBC documentary, to learn more about them.
Rodeos always have a variety of events for people of all ages. There’s the main livestock-related, extreme sporting exhibitions, as well as cotton candy, carnival rides, fair challenges music, auctions, and more. Every rodeo has its own unique attractions, but expect a festival atmosphere.
Travel Easier
Wherever you decide to go in the remaining months of 2017, you’re going to want to strategically plan your travel. One thing you want to consider is your baggage. Airplanes, buses, and trains usually have extra individual handling baggage. Plus, you’ve got to haul them with you wherever you go between conveyances. One way to avoid that is to send your baggage on ahead with a trusted company. Uni Baggage is a site that can “Ship your baggage anywhere in the world… Save yourself time, stress, and money when it comes to transporting luggage”.
Next, give yourself time. Should you be driving, leave a few hours, or even a day or so, earlier than necessary. This can be difficult if you have a constraining job, but that’s part of strategically enhancing your travel. Map out prospective trips well in advance, if you can.
This will enable you to cut the stress of some circumstances, allowing you to enjoy yourself even when things don’t go to plan – and they probably won’t, if experience is any indication! That said, if you’re without stress going into a trip, you’ll have more fun even if unexpected situations arise later on. 2017 isn’t over yet – there’s still a lot to see. So hit the road!
Author Bio – Wendy Dessler
Wendy is a super-connecter with Outreachmama, who helps businesses find their audience online, through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing, and focusses her efforts on developing customised blogger outreach plans, depending on the industry and competition.

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