• Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Winter Warmth

         Is it cold where you live? It’s freezing here! Scotland by no means gets the coldest winters in the world, but it does get pretty chilly. This week’s outfit is a little different then, since I’m sharing my…

  • Other,  Travel

    48 Hours in Edinburgh

         So my sister came to stay with me for the weekend, the first time she’s done so since I moved out to go to university. She hasn’t seen much of Edinburgh beyond Princes Street, so my challenge was…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Reflections

         The order of the day is simple, but fun. A t-shirt and shorts combo couldn’t be simpler, but I like to try to make my outfits a little more unusual than just that. I think this top is…

  • Life,  Other

    Country Life – Visiting Home

         For the past three years I’ve lived in cities, in Scotland and France, in order to attend university. But of course, from time to time I visit home, at weekends and during holidays, as I did so this…

  • Life,  Other

    India Day Lecture – Gopal Krishna Gandhi

         This week I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend a lecture at the university by Gopal Krishna Gandhi. He is best known for being the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, but is also a distinguished scholar and…

  • Life,  Other

    Farewell to Summer

         When did September get here? Yes, try as we might to hold on to it, summer is gone. The air has a chill to it and the leaves have begun to fall from the trees and the sun’s…

  • Life,  Other

    Of Bagpipes and Burns: Scottish Stereotypes

    (Source)      Every country and culture has stereotypes that go alongside it, some truer than others. Scotland of course, is no different. However, what I have noticed is that while Scotland is part of the U.K., British stereotypes tend…