• Travel

    Top Five Edinburgh Hidden Gems

          Edinburgh has so many attractions and locations to visit – for a small city, it’s pretty jam packed! Most tourists and visitors will head straight for the Royal Mile and the rest of the Old Town, and…

  • Fashion

    Outfit – For The First Time In Forever

         For December, I’ve decided to try and make my Disneybound outfits quite festive and winter themed (and these short winter days in Scotland have resulted in some dodgy lighting this week, sorry!). So with that in mind, my…

  • Travel

    Holyrood Palace | Edinburgh

         Holyrood Palace is one those places in Edinburgh that all the locals know about, but half of us rarely ever visit it. I’ve been once before, back when I worked for a summer school, but I was watching…

  • Travel

    Top Five Edinburgh Viewpoints

         Edinburgh’s skyline is pretty iconic – how many cities can boast that they have a castle built atop an extinct volcano? There are plenty of other stunning buildings too, including the Hub, St Giles’ Cathedral, the Balmoral Hotel,…

  • Introduction

    Introduction Hello there, come in, take a seat, have a cup of tea! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Let me introduce myself! My name is Charlotte, and I’m 29 years old. I moved to New Zealand at…

  • Life

    A Fork in the Road

    You will never know exactly where each path will take you, you just have to pick one, and keep moving forward.

  • Travel

    Medical Museums | Edinburgh

         During the 19th century, the University of Edinburgh’s medical school (first established in 1726) became known as one of the best in the world, and around that time many great pioneering doctors lived and worked in the city,…

  • Life

    My Ancestry DNA Results

         Ok, so these DNA tests to see where your ancestors are from have been circulating the internet for a few years now, so I’m a touch late to the party. I’d thought about doing one for a while,…