• Art & Entertainment,  Other

    Review – Into the Woods

    (Source)      Mix together several classic fairytales and throw in a lot of singing, and you’ve basically got Into the Woods. I imagine there’ll be many people who don’t enjoy this film because of these two factors, but they were…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Deck of Cards

         Regular readers will know that I love a skirt & boots combination, which is pretty practical in our wet, Scottish, winter weather right now. The cardigan is also super warm and cosy, since it’s freezing here! The colours…

  • Life,  Other


         I am a feminist. This is a statement that has garnered a lot of criticism and judgement in recent years, conjuring images of angry women trying to oppress men. This not what a feminist is. A feminist believes…

  • Music,  Other

    Music I’m Looking Forward To in 2015

        So yesterday, after getting lost in a bottomless pit of YouTube videos, then whipping out my bank card multiple, I found myself having pre-ordered four new albums. In light of that, I thought I’d share some of my…

  • Musings & Thoughts,  Other

    Musings from a Car Journey

    (Source)      The world outside rushes past, a blaze of colours and scenery. The road stretches out ahead, mile after mile of black tar with no end in sight, and no idea about all of it possible destinations. Greenery…

  • Life,  Other

    2015: Looking Forward

         Ok, so I may be a couple days late, but it’s time to think about what I want from this year. A lot of people complain about celebrating New Year, as it’s just another day really, and you…

  • Life,  Music,  Other

    Edinburgh Hogmanay Street Party

         Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2015 treats you all well. My last post was a look back at 2014, and there will be one soon where I look forward into 2015, but for today I want to…