
  • Music,  Other

    Fall Out Boy – Live in Paris

         Fall Out Boy is a band that have been around for most of my teenage years, and therefore there’s almost a sense of nostalgia attached to them. I was never a huge fan when I was younger, but…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Concert Comfort

        So, this was my outfit of choice for a concert today. I’ve never understood why some people dress up fancy for them, because no one is looking at you! Comfort is always key, and you can’t go wrong…

  • Other,  Travel

    Adventures in Austria

         I went to Austria! If you hadn’t already guessed from the title of this post. I had a week off from classes, so I went to visit Bridget, who is on her year abroad in Linz, for a…

  • Life,  Other

    Creativity & Criticism

         Creativity is ultimately personal. When being creative, you are making something unique and new. You may have taken inspiration from other sources, but the end product is uniquely your own. However, this end product is subjective. Be it…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Woollen Warmth

         So, as it’s getting closer to spring time and warmer weather, I’m trying to get as much use out of my winter clothes while I still can. And this jumper is the cosiest thing ever. It’s very loose…

  • Life,  Other

    Personality Profiles

         I’ve always liked doing personality tests every now and then, as a bit of fun, but I’m never really sure about how accurate they are. Some claim to be very thorough and exact; others are just silly quizzes…

  • Life,  Other

    Taking Risks

         How good are you at taking risks? Do you drop everything to change plans at a moment’s notice? There are some people who can handle change very easily, taking sudden developments in their stride.  Some people exact these…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Versatility

         I really like this dress, as I think it’s very versatile. Here, I’m wearing it as a casual everyday thing, with the cosy cardigan and another pair of patterned tights. However, as you can see from the lace…

  • Music,  Other

    Review – We Are The In Crowd: Weird Kids

         Weird Kids, We Are The In Crowd’s second musical outing, is a record infused with youth, rebellion and attitude in spades, that speaks to all those who feel lost or like misfits – which is most people really,…

  • Life,  Other

    Of Bagpipes and Burns: Scottish Stereotypes

    (Source)      Every country and culture has stereotypes that go alongside it, some truer than others. Scotland of course, is no different. However, what I have noticed is that while Scotland is part of the U.K., British stereotypes tend…