Musically Inspired – Hazy Memories
Bright lights, pounding music, flashing colours, swarms of people… liquid tumbling down my throat, filling my belly with warmth… the city feels alive and dead at the same time… its energy coursing through me, spurring me on and on and on… darkness all around… disorientating light… hot, stuffy rooms and cold, biting night air… walking, walking, stumbling, falling… shit, broken glass under my feet…
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I recognise this place… or do I? feeling at home, but I’m not… I could be lost… but I’m sure this is the right way… walk with confidence, don’t look scared… a pair of kind eyes… cobbles under my feet, losing balance… alcohol on that man’s breath… or is it mine?… figure in that corner over there, looks to be sleeping… bandage trailing from his leg… something bright blue over there… a costume, a hat, feathers maybe?… gone before I can understand…
Lost all sense of time… it’s dark out… voices all around, shouting, laughing… yes, that was funny!… another glass in my hand… a gentle voice… a pair of kind eyes… wait, have I seen those before? when did this happen?… ooft, someone jumping on me, piggy-back, running around the room, stumbling, crashing… everyone looks smaller all of a sudden… oh, dancing on the tables… yelling along to the song, I love this one!… a pretty girl… more laughter… dammit where did she go?..
Lights whizzing past… traffic everywhere… how fast am I moving?… taxi ride…. to where?… more lights, more colours, more voices, more music… a broken nose…. do I know you?…. no, I don’t live here sir…. no, I don’t know her but perhaps my friend does…. yes, your hat is lovely…. bloody rainbow on top of his head…. how strange…. sitting in a wheelbarrow… falling out on to the floor, ouch… blast of heat… fire roaring, fire, fire…
Lights gone, dark alleyway…. water on the ground, my feet are wet…. hands on me… shit that hurt!… lashing out, hitting, kicking… on the ground, rolling around…. that’ll be a bruise in the morning…. more yelling, swearing, cursing…. shit that really hurt….
Talking, talking, talking…. how lovely she is… yes, thank you…. dry mouth, sweaty palms…. another glass in my hand, this one is more refreshing somehow…. oh, water…. a gentle voice, hands on me…. music still pounding, heart pounding, head pounding, city pounding…. smoke in my lungs… liquid fire down my throat, burning inside…. room spinning…. nervous, anxious, scared… joyful, laughing, happy…. which is me?…
Song: Cassiopeia – Deaf Havana
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Halloween in Hong Kong
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