Musically Inspired – Ode to Summer
18 April 2015
Oh summer, where are you? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of all the seasons. Summer seems to be the one that gets all our attention though. I love the changing colours of autumn, curling up inside while outdoors is covered in snow in winter, and the sense of awakening as flowers blossom in spring. But at this time of year, I start to long for summer.
The world has created a lot of expectations for the summer months, which it doesn’t always live up to of course – I live in Scotland, where our summer famously lasts about three days, if you’re counting it as sunshine, and you get attacked my midges. But I think what sets summer apart from the other seasons is the sense of freedom it brings. Summer is the time to take a break from work, even if only briefly – don’t we all long for the seemingly endless weeks of holiday we used to get from school? A time to rest and recharge, and remember to inject a little fun into our lives (we should do this as much as possible, but summer just seems like an opportune moment for it) Summer brings a sense of freedom, adventure, and new possibilities.
Summer conjures up a whole host of wonderful images in my head. Lazing away the afternoon in the park drinking cider or Pimms. The smell and sizzle of the barbecue, and dining outside. Fresh homemade ice cream, dribbling down the cone. Strolling along the beach, sand between toes, and paddling in the shallows. Long, cool evenings, watching the sun slowly setting. Racing around the garden, fighting with buckets of water and the hose. Shorts and summer dresses and sun hats and t-shirts, with bare arms and legs soaking up the sun. Car journeys with the windows rolled all the way down, wind whipping through your hair.
Sure, not every day of summer can be a perfect escape from the real world – sometimes we still have to work, sometimes the weather sucks. But summer is a hope to hold on to. Summer gets us through the long hours at work, or if you’re a student like me, the endless slog of deadlines and exams at this time of year. When asked my favourite season, I don’t often single out summer (usually I go for autumn), but lately I’ve been desperate for it to hurry up. I want an end to the labyrinths of books I’ve been stuck in, I want sunshine and ice cream and the beach, and to just relax again. Alright, yes, summer can’t last forever, and won’t be perfect every day. But I can sure as hell make the most of it when it does finally arrive.
Song: T-Shirt Weather – Circa Waves
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