Edinburgh Hogmanay Street Party
Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2015 treats you all well. My last post was a look back at 2014, and there will be one soon where I look forward into 2015, but for today I want to…
2014: Year in Review
Well, here we are. The last day of 2014. It sounds like a bit of a cliché, but time really has flown. I think the older you get, the faster it goes, and I can’t believe that’s another…
Merry Christmas
The day may be over and done with, so the title of this post may be a little late, but I hope everyone reading this had a good Christmas (if you celebrate it). The photos here are a…
Musically Inspired – Give Them Heart
What are you passionate about? What makes you excited? What do you wish you could spend all your time doing? Whatever it is, embrace it. We all have different interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes, and…
My Favourite Things About Christmas
Not everyone reading this may be celebrating Christmas this year, for whatever reasons. I’m aware that it has become a very commercialised holiday, so we often forget that it is not a universal one, particularly in the UK,…
Edinburgh Winter Wonderland
If you’ve never been to Edinburgh at Christmas time, I highly recommend it. Sure, it’s Hogmanay that gets most of the attention; but in a city that boasts so much history and culture – there’s a castle on…
Why I Write
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I was an avid reader as a child, and I think this prompted an interest in producing my own words. I started by keeping a daily diary –…
Racing Against Time
In a not-so-crazy plot twist, the semester is over! Ok, I guess that’s not really a plot twist, it was always going to end. But what I can’t get over right now is how quickly it’s gone. People…
Christmas Candles
Oh dear, I’ve got a post with the word “Christmas” in the title and it’s still only November! To be fair, candles are not solely a Christmas thing for me. I was never particularly interested in them for…
Musically Inspired – Compassion & Kindness
Compassion is a funny thing isn’t it? Human emotions are complicated and difficult to understand; sometimes we can barely understand ourselves, let alone others. Motivations and reasons behind our actions and behaviours and responses can intersect, and finding…