New Year, New Me?
So, just in case anyone lives in a cave and might have missed the news… it’s 2014! This makes me feel alarmingly old, as I’m turning 20 this year. Twenty?! I can only call myself a teenager for…
Musically Inspired – The Complexity of Human Behaviour
How do we describe people? How is it possible to capture someone’s entire identity in just a few words? These quizzes that ask you to describe your personality in five words – it’s not possible. At least, not if you want a true understanding…
The Ever Present Bigotry of Our Medieval Society
Today I’ve decided to write about a topic that is a major issue in society nowadays – the LGBT community. I’ve never discussed homosexuality before, simply because I never felt it was something that needs to be discussed.…
The Difference Between Fantasy and Reality
Call me a pessimist, call me heartless, call me a cynic. But I don’t believe in love. That’s not altogether true. I believe in some kinds of love. I believe in the love people have for their…
Musically Inspired – Don’t Tell Me How To Feel
Everyone has felt sad at some point in their life. I am absolutely certain of this fact. I’m also certain that the vast majority of people have been told at least once to get a grip, or to…
Musically Inspired – Why Do I Care What You Think?
Why do people feel this overwhelming need to fit in? Why are other people’s opinions so important to us? People are willing to change their appearance, pretend to like things they don’t and go along with ideas that…
Musically Inspired – Trying to be Happy
Happiness is not easy. Happiness doesn’t just happen. And happiness can be damn hard to make happen. there are so many factors that determine our happiness, different for every person and often out of our control. Sometimes you…
Hands Off!
Can anyone please explain to me why feminism is still an issue? Humans have been around for thousands of years, and yet somehow, despite all the the developments and breakthroughs regarding feminism, we still do not have…
Musically Inspired – Making it Happen
Just as a quick intro – this is the start of a sort of series I want to do. I had the idea to write posts based on songs. Basically just whatever I start thinking of while…
Review – Deaf Havana: Old Souls
(Source) Bold, powerful, raw and most of all, honest. These are the first ones that spring to my mind while listening to Deaf Havana’s new album, Old Souls. An apt title, as it’s easy to forget how…