• Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Back to Class

        So, I’m back at university classes now and although there are days when I just chuck on a hoodie, other times I try to make a little more effort. It’s still pretty cold, so I’m going for outfits that are…

  • Music,  Other

    Review – Canterbury: Dark Days

    (Source)      Dark Days is, without a doubt, Canterbury at their best. With each new album, a band hopes to better their last, and it’s always a shame when they fall short, but that is by no means the…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Monochromatic

         Drinks with friends. I went for an outfit glam enough for a night out, without being too over the top if things ended up being pretty relaxed. Leather jacket & heels add an edgy, rocker vibe to a…

  • Art & Entertainment,  Other

    Review – The Spectacular Now

    (Source)      Poignant, charming and very much real. The Spectacular Now is a high school story which carefully avoids the clichés and stereotypes too often found in teen movies. It is impossible to put any of the characters into…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Cosy Cardigan

         So I’m not very clued in on current fashion, but I like putting outfits together and creating my own style, so I thought I’d start sharing some of that. Today’s outfit was comfy and wintery I guess. Cardigan…

  • Life,  Other

    New Year, New Me?

        So, just in case anyone lives in a cave and might have missed the news… it’s 2014! This makes me feel alarmingly old, as I’m turning 20 this year. Twenty?! I can only call myself a teenager for…

  • Life,  Other

    The Ever Present Bigotry of Our Medieval Society

         Today I’ve decided to write about a topic that is a major issue in society nowadays – the LGBT community. I’ve never discussed homosexuality before, simply because I never felt it was something that needs to be discussed.…

  • Life,  Other

    The Difference Between Fantasy and Reality

         Call me a pessimist, call me heartless, call me a cynic. But I don’t believe in love.      That’s not altogether true. I believe in some kinds of love. I believe in the love people have for their…