• Musings & Thoughts,  Other

    Musings From The Seaside

         The air is ripe with the rich scent of sea salt, infused with candy floss and hot, greasy chips. The icy cold waves gently caress the shore, and the vast steely grey expanse of the ocean stretches back…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Meadow Fresh

         I love the bright, freshness of the colour of this dress and it feels just perfect for summer. It’s light and comfortable, and the lace detailing adds a little bit of interest. I’m a massive fan of boots,…

  • Life,  Other

    Tell Me A Story

        How are you? What have you been up to? Anything exciting going on? How was your week? These are questions that we all get asked on a regular basis (although please leave me answers in the comments, I’d…

  • Books

    Review – The Giver (Lois Lowry)

         The Giver may well be my favourite dystopian novel that I’ve read. It’s a genre that, in my opinion, can be fascinating at times, but can also be a bit formulaic and predictable. I enjoyed The Giver because…

  • Other,  Travel

    Instagramming in England

         So I’m not sure if I actually made this clear at any point, but this summer I’m working at an international kids’ summer camp, based near Edinburgh. However, this week I was asked to go to one of…

  • Fashion,  Other

    Outfit of the Day – Summer Simplicity

         Some days you just want to put in the minimal effort possible. I’ve forsaken all jewellery and accessories today, apart from the ring and Help for Heroes wristband I always wear, and gone for a very simple outfit,…