Puffin Postcards
9 July 2014
I purchased this recently from Waterstone’s, a collection of postcards featuring designs from the covers of children’s books published by Puffin. Someone pointed them out to me in the store, and being an English student and self-confessed bookworm, I couldn’t resist.
Being covers from children’s books, these bring a strong sense of nostalgia with them. I still sometimes go back and read the books I loved as a child, but they are mostly associated with years gone by. I view my childhood in a way I imagine a lot of other people do too – a time when life was simple and innocent and carefree, before growing up and the real world got in the way. It’s nice to be reminded of that feeling every now and then, and I’ll take any excuse presented to me to act like a child again. I’ve always been an avid reader, so these postcards embody much of my childhood.
My intention is to use some of them to decorate the walls in my new flat, where I’ll be living for my final year of university. I love getting to decorate a new room each year, and while some things will stay the same – photos of family and friends for example – I like to find new things each year as well. I generally get nervous about big changes in my life, but small things like this keep things fresh and new, so I don’t get tired of the same things all the time. I especially like these book covers, as they are small works of art in their own right, that talented illustrators have created.
The only mildly disappointing thing about this set of postcards, is that out of the one hundred included in the box, I have only read a small minority of them. Some I have never even heard of before! I’ll start by using the ones I know to decorate my room, but many of the others still have nice designs that I’ll use too. There was another box in the shop, of Penguin classic book covers; while deciding which to get I was weighing up the nicer designs on the Puffin set, against the fact that I’ve read far more of the Penguin set. While I obviously opted for the Puffin, it’s very likely that I’ll be returning to get the Penguin set as well, since it contains some of my favourite novels!

Defining Success
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