Room Tour – Hong Kong Flat
This is actually more of a flat tour than a room tour, seeing as my room is the size of a box. (I’ve also done previous room tours in France and Edinburgh). I knew flats in Hong Kong were small, but it’s hard to appreciate just how small until you’re actually here and faced with living in one. I didn’t get a choice in where Im living, as the flat is provided by the recruitment company that hired me and placed me in a school. Anyway, the flat is right in the middle of Mong Kok, in the Kowloon area. We’re up on the 20th floor, and I’m sharing the place with another teacher with the same company (naturally I’ve left out her room in this).
So first, you enter the flat straight into the living room, which is the biggest room in the place. It’s a little sparse, given its size, with just the sofa, table, TV and cupboard. The sofa cushions were bought by my flatmate to brighten the place up a little, as we’re not allowed to put anything on the walls, which limits our decorating options. I’ve broken that rule in past places I’ve lived of course, but the concern here is not chipped paint, but rather that the concrete crumbles when you stick things to it (so I’ve been told). Anyway, there’s a glimpse of my room through the open door, directly opposite the front door, while the closed one leads to my flatmate’s room. You might also notice my suitcase down the side of the sofa in the first photo, since there’s nowhere to put it in my own room…

Travel Inspiration - Loire Valley

Outfit - Cut Away
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