Outfit – Aren’t You a Little Short For a Stormtrooper?
Sticking with my winter themed Disneybound outfits for December with this snowy white look, inspired by Princess Leia / General Organa, from the ‘Star Wars’ franchise. This look was mostly based on the white dress we see her in during the first film, mine is just a bit shorter! I chose the grey cardigan to mimic the loose, floaty design of hers. I paired these light colours with black tights and these chunky biker boots, partly because they’re practical for Scotland in winter! But also because I didn’t want a look that was too delicate and feminine, I wanted to bring in a bit of her tough, warrior personality. I chose silver jewellery to match the white, and the starry earrings in particular were a nod to the space setting of the saga! I kept my makeup natural, as hers normally is, and finally, my hair isn’t really thick enough for those braided buns she wears, but I did put in these double buns to get as close as I could!

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