Outfit – Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride
For this week’s Disneybound outfit, I’ve actually gone for a non-human character for a change (unless we count froggy Naveen!) – Stitch, from ‘Lilo and Stitch’. It’s a different process I think, as there’s not so much a style or specific items to pick, more a colour palette and overall vibe. So of course, it had to be more or less blue everything – even socks! I chose the lighter blue top to break it up, and to match his belly fur, with the darker cardigan and jeans – a more autumnal version of my Jasmine look actually. I didn’t have blue shoes, but I thought the grey trainers suited his energetic, yet casual sort of vibe. I added blue jewellery items as well, including this necklace which I got at a beachfront island market – not Hawaii, I haven’t been yet, but as close as I could manage, and I used it in my Moana look as well! And I kept the makeup natural – I doubt he’d know what to do! – and put my hair in these low bunches, for a playful look, and reminiscent of the shape of his ears!

Travel Inspiration | Taiwan
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