Outfit – Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
For the fourth and final of my Halloween Disneybound villain looks, I’ve gone with the original villain herself, the Evil Queen, from ‘Snow White’ (check out my other look from the film, inspired by Grumpy). Her colour scheme is predominantly black and purple, so I chose this bright dress (see it in a summer look as Meg here), with this cape-like black cardigan for some dramatic, villainous vibes. The heeled boots have been a staple for many dark outfits, and initially I was going to do plain black tights, but I decided to channel even more of a Halloween vibe with these spider web patterns instead. I don’t have a red stone necklace like hers, so I chose this purple and gold one, for a similarly chunky pendant, within her colour scheme, as well as purple and gold earrings. You never see her hair, so I went for a semi-loose, very straight look, as I thought that matched the overall look, and finished up with some bright purple eyeshadow, and her signature red lipstick.

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