Outfit – Black As Night
This dress is one of the most versatile pieces in my wardrobe. I’ve used it twice before in outfit posts, once as a super casual beach-y look, and once dressed up for a night out. This time, it’s a more practical day-to-day look, which I even wear to work, and allows me to keep using what was initially a summer/warm weather dress all the way into winter. The dress is simple and floaty, so I chose the long, swooping cardigan to match. The dress can be a little on the short side, since it’s an uneven hem, so I paired it with leggings to more appropriate for work (and to keep me warm!), and my winter boots to keep the outfit season-appropriate. I don’t wear all-black too often; it generally features in a lot of my outfits, but with colours to break it up (which I did add in the form of this long pendant necklace). However, simple, dark colour scheme like this looks effortlessly classy, and helps to create a more elegant overall look, even though each individual item is quite casual.

A-Z of Hong Kong

Fake It Till You Make It
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