Travel Inspiration | Japan
Japan is a fascinating country to visit, because it is a land of contrasts. You’ll find traditional culture, ancient temples, and serene countryside areas, as well as modern, futuristic style, high-rise skyscrapers, and big, bustling cities. The two…
Outfit – Spring Sunshine
So last weekend in Edinburgh we had some of the best weather I’ve seen in a long time, perfectly timed for Easter weekend. It was warm and sunny, so it was time to bust out some spring/summer clothing.…
A-Z of Europe
It feels like it’s been a while since I did any sort of A-Z post, so I’m back at it this week! I did one of these for East & South East Asia, after living there for 2…
The Extrovert | Character Sketch
She likes to make a splash. She’s bold and wacky and out there. Extrovert doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Outfit – Ruby Red
So this outfit started off with the boots! I got them a couple of months ago and I’m a big fan! They’re certainly not practical for day to day wear, so I won’t be wearing them that often,…
Braid Hills | Hiking Edinburgh
Spring started to appear in Edinburgh last week, all blue skies and sunshine, and temperatures in the double digits – though it was swiftly replaced by grey clouds, pouring rain, and freezing cold again this week, with what…
A Frozen Landscape
An icy tundra, stretching out into infinity. A scene of endless white, where sky and land meet and the horizon is scarcely visible. A cold, frozen wasteland, empty of life. (source)