Outfit – Off to Work
18 August 2015
Today’s outfit is the first to come to you all from Hong Kong – apologies for the photo quality, my room (and flat!) is tiny, and I’m still figuring out the best way to take my photos! Anyway, the dress code for my new work, in a kindergarten, is that I have to wear a dress or skirt, and dress fairly respectfully and conservatively. I had a few dresses with me anyway, but most aren’t work appropriate, so I had to go buy a couple more. There are lots of brands I know from the UK out here, as well as others I don’t recognise, such as the shop I ended up getting this dress in. It might be a tiny bit on the short side, but no worse than I’ve seen the other teachers in, plus I’m tall! I have to change into indoor shoes at work, so these are just for getting there – this humidity won’t stop me from wearing my boots at least sometimes, though it has allowed me to ditch the tights that were so necessary back in Scotland! Jewellery is minimal (aside from my usual rings), since little kids tend to grab, but the bracelet strategically covers my tattoo (irritating, but conservative), and I quickly realised a watch is a necessity in my work!
Dress – Cotton On, Boots – Ziga
Bracelet & Rings – Gifts, Watch – Ladies Market, HK

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