Outfit – Night Flowers
I thought I’d start this week’s outfit post with a brief word about body confidence, as when editing these photos I was not a fan of how my thighs were looking, but I’m posting them anyway. I used to be pretty insecure about my body, in particular my wobbly areas around my stomach and thighs, and on occasion I still can be. But eventually, I learned to be comfortable in my own skin, and much happier about how I look – there’s no magic formula though I’m afraid, it just seemed to happen over time for me. I still wouldn’t object to cutting down those areas I don’t like as much, but they don’t trouble me as much any more, and I’m much more confident about what I wear now (you’d be lucky to get me in anything above the knee when I was younger!) – as you can probably guess from these shorts! This is definitely a dressier outfit, though none of the items were particularly expensive. I tend to revert to black, white and grey, or other dark colours, when going out, as I just find they look smarter. As usual, I stuck to the larger print florals I prefer with this top, which is very loose and floaty (with a black vest underneath), so I felt something tight, like shorts, complemented it well. They’re also super comfy soft denim. Skinny jeans would do the job too, but I was feeling summery that day! But of course, with Scotland’s unreliable weather, nude tights are usually a good idea!

On Religion & Faith
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