Outfit – Distressed Denim
Is this dress really that short?! I’ve never really noticed when wearing it, but it certainly looks it in these pictures. Oh well, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve worn something like that anyway. I took these pictures a few weeks ago, when we had great weather and I was in a summery mood – sadly that hasn’t lasted in Scotland. I like adding layers to outfits, even in summer, so obviously short sleeves is a good choice when it’s warm. This vest is actually much too big, but it was on sale and I quite like the over-sized effect actually. I also love pairing boots with dresses too, and this light shade of brown is good for summer, and I think the whole outfit has a bit of a grunge-festival-hippie type look (if that makes any sense?). The earrings are one of my favourite parts of this though, a birthday present that my mum brought back from Dubai (airport) for me.
Currently Listening - May 15

642 Things - Park Bench
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