Outfit – Girl of Steel
I call this my “Supergirl off duty” look, and I never refer to this as a Superman shirt (even though that’s what it was advertised as when buying) – Supergirl kicks ass on her own! I actually bought it to use as part of a costume last Halloween (Kara Danvers, so it would have been along the same lines as this look), but got sick and never ended up using it, so now I just wear it when I feel like. It’s a nice lightweight top for these hot summer months, so it made sense to pair it with shorts and my new espadrilles. It’s really too hot to wear the checked shirt over the top, but I wanted to channel that Kara Danvers disguise – tying it around my waist is also a good option too, though it makes the ‘disguise’ pretty redundant. I went with little jewellery too, with only the earrings to match the top, as Supergirl needs to be ready to jump into action, not weighed down with accessories!

Happy Valley Races | Hong Kong

The Songs That Saved Me
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