Outfit – Wine Is Always A Good Idea
I bought this top and cardigan while at home over Christmas, and I’m obsessed with them both! The top is such a lovely wine red colour, and it’s that design where it’s loose and comfy, without looking baggy and worn. The grey cardigan is also a nice colour, that I can pair with almost anything in my wardrobe, but it’s the length of it I really like for some reason. I like the contrast of the long cardigan with the shorts in this outfit – definitely worn with tights or leggings though at this time of year! Though I wore this last week, now Hong Kong has dropped to 4 Celsius, and they have no heating inside, so I’m in about four layers of clothes! Anyway, I’ll get this outfit again when it’s a little warmer, and it’s great for casual weekends and evenings – the top could also very easily be dressed up with other combinations of clothes.

Udderbelly: Russell Howard

It's So Very Cold
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