Farewell to Summer
The rest of my time, July and August, were spent working at a children’s English language summer school. Having done it last year, I should have known what I was getting myself in for, but I’ve finished feeling absolutely shattered in every way. It is very hard work when children are involved, which others often underestimate. It also takes over my whole life, as I live on-site which is why I feel as though I missed out on summer a bit, and I now have very little respite before university starts again, since my holiday was at the start of summer. I do enjoy the job for the most part though, as I can have great fun with the kids and come away with some funny stories about them all. I also get on so well with the other staff, some of whom were new, but others who I worked with last year and haven’t seen since, so it was great to spend time with them again.
I’m not too sad about leaving summer behind now though, as I did make plenty of good memories, both while travelling and working, and now I’m ready to take a break from both and get back to a bit of normality. And while I don’t mind the warmer weather, I’ve never been much of a sun child, and autumn is one of my favourite seasons. I’m looking forward to hot drinks and my warmer wardrobe and evenings spent indoors watching the rain and the colours of the leaves changing. And before you know it, we’ll be at Christmas time again!
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