Outfit – You Can Fly
It’s pretty obvious which character I chose this week, right? Of course, this is a look inspired by Tinkerbell, the mischievous little fairy from Peter Pan. Honestly, I wasn’t always a big fan of Tink, with the way she acts so bratty at times, but this dress was too perfect not to use for her. Spring also finally arrived here in Edinburgh at the weekend, getting me inspired with my spring/summer wardrobe (though it’s definitely still too cold to wear this outfit without tights and a thick jacket!). I added the cardigan, partly just to add some interest, but also to suggest her wings and fairy dust trailing behind. The nude flats are perfect for her, and I chose jewellery with nature interwoven, with my tree of life necklace, and a leaf ring. The earrings and headband were to add more green to the look, and of course, I had to try for a ballet bun to really capture her style, though it’s not a hairstyle I particularly like on myself, I made an exception. I also stuck to simple makeup, to go with the natural, carefree look, but with a pop of pink lipstick for her pout.

A-Z of Scotland
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One Comment
Harold Atterberry
This is also great for College students