Review – The Greatest Showman
In ‘The Greatest Showman’, we are transported into the world of the circus, as we follow the life of P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman), as he rises from lowly origins to bring together people with unique talents, or…
Outfit – Be Our Guest
A few weeks ago I suddenly had the idea to start doing Disneybound outfits, to mix things up a bit on the blog, so I thought since it was so close to the new year anyway, that I’d…
Writer Tag
I was struggling with what to write this week, so I had a search around the internet for some inspiration, and came across this tag. It can be applied to any sort of writer I think, not necessarily…
White | Colour
It’s pure and fresh and serene. It’s bright and light and clear. It’s blank and empty and space. (source)
Travel Inspiration | Vietnam
We’re travelling back to warmer climates for today’s travel inspiration post, as I’m currently freezing back home in Scotland now! As many readers know, I’ve travelled plenty around Asia, so I’m revisiting Vietnam today. I spent 2 weeks…
2018 | Looking Forward
Oh 2018, what will you have in store for me? As I’ve said in previous years, I don’t believe in starting a million resolutions at the beginning of the year that will suddenly transform you into another person,…
2017: Year in Review
Another year over, and here we are in 2018! I was aiming to get this posted on New Year’s Eve, as I’ve done in previous years, but things got a little busy for me this weekend, as I…
2017: Best Of
Can you believe 2017 is almost over already? Can you believe that kids born in the 00s will start turning 18 next year? This must be a side effect of becoming an adult – or a ‘sort of…
Merry Christmas
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, whatever you prefer or celebrate! I hope it has been filled with love, happiness, and family, in whatever form that takes for you. The actual day may be over, but…
7 of Edinburgh’s Spookiest Ghost Stories
Edinburgh is one of the most haunted cities in the world; every other street or building has tales of spirits or presences lurking in the shadows. With such a dark, gruesome, and very colourful history, it should come…